Yagoda Malina Country Club together with Black Sea Showcase present another shocking event in the best traditions of their favorite team.
May 7-restaurant hall in the usual format for us
On May 8, we will have a full-day barbecue party
Start at 11: 00 Main guest of the weekend:
UTAH M.PAUL (Taboo rec.)
Local guests:
•Little L
•Sasha Loid
•Jenia White
•Mikka Allyan
•Anastas Karikh
Progressive music in harmony with nature
Buy tickets quickly: you can buy tickets for each day separately, as well as a multi-pass for both days with a profit. And very soon, tables with a deposit will also go on sale.
1500th km of the M4-Don highway (Gelendzhik — Vozrozhdenie)
Tickets and deposits can be purchased at the links below or by calling +7 (928) 435-00-05
To book hotel rooms, please call +7 (938) 551-00-07